13 Days 13 Weeks 13 Months
 13 Days: The World Trade Center13pt

Day One: September 11

9:02 am
11:02 am

Woke up to sirens and radio reports of an incident at the World Trade Center. I grabbed my camera and was out on the street by 9:00.

West Broadway
Beach Park, Tribeca

Crowds had already formed. I walked east and south for a few blocks, then stood and watched the burning buildings. Even from a distance I could see people jumping and dropping from the north tower.

After the second plane struck the south tower, people on the street began to realize it was a terrorist attack. Someone turned on a car radio, and people crowded around to listen to the news reports.

Story upon story
Canal Street

Throughout the afternoon groups of people, some crying, some covered in dust, walked east on Canal Street to the Manhattan Bridge.
